1 Way to Improve your Personal Finances

Personal Fiance Reading

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Self-education is essential to building financial literacy.

Reading personal finance books is an accessible way to learn because its affordable, self-paced, and focused on your personal goal(s). Often times you can find books at a fraction of the price at a local second hand store and even online from various retailers. The best part about picking up a personal finance book is that you can usually find one that focuses of your goal (or goals).

Everyone has different goals, so finding a book helps you hone-in on that goal specifically. Once you have the book based on the goal your striving for, you can read it at your leisure. You’ll be able to read and explore thoughts around your goal. If fact, reading the book might give you easy ways to take actionable steps towards your goal. This eliminates the pressure of getting bias or unsolicited advice from other sources.

I’m always reading a personal finance book to help me stay open to possibilities. Most of my job requires I be open and flexible for my clients. This way I can offer them several opportunities to help reach their goals, especially in way that feels comfortable to them.

My business is not about forcing people into new habits, its more so finding chances within their current state to be more mindful with their money.
— Erika Maria

Currently I’m reading Getting Good with Money: Pay Off Your Debt and Find a Life of Freedom---Without Losing Your Mind by Jessi Fearon. I choose this book because Jessi seems to explain why, your “why” is important and that living on budget can literally save your financial life. I’ll come back with my thoughts once I finish the book, but thought I share more about how I personally continue to expand my practice within personal finance.

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